Things are not always as they seem

I am so blessed to have an amazing team of women that I lead.  Our ages span many generations.  Our communication styles are so different.

In asking everyone about their weekend, I took the time to really listen.  What were they saying?  Did the words match the body language or tone of their voice.


Sometimes I underestimate the power of a smile or the few minutes it takes to listen.  In the age of everything texted, responses emailed and the quick words passing in the hall, I think we are losing the art of communication.

How many untold stories are hidden behind your smile?  Your words?  Your body posture?  Today I challenged myself to truly listen and to really care.  You will never know how a few seconds of your time could positively influence someone today.  Give it a try.  I would love for you to share how listening made a difference for you or someone you care about.

Thank you for sharing a few moments of your time with me 🙂

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